2025 has just begun and there are already viruses lingering around. The most important viruses to be aware of are COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and norovirus. These four viruses are being called a “quad demic” in the U.S.
These viruses have caused people to seek high-level healthcare and these viruses have risen. They have also been a burden to the public and the healthcare system.
These illnesses most commonly spread during the winter due to the weather. This is due to a variety of reasons, like environmental factors. There are also more frequent indoor gatherings which help the illness spread.
COVID and RSV are also circulating now but at lower levels.
According to Health.com, “For the week ending Jan. 4, COVID accounted for 1.3% of emergency department visits in the U.S., while RSV made up just 0.9%. (Flu, meanwhile, accounted for 4.8% of ED visits.)”
Norovirus is on the rise. Norovirus isn’t a respiratory illness and it has been spreading unusually in the U.S. Norovirus is dangerous because it doesn’t have a treatment at all. Norovirus can give you nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Although COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and norovirus are dangerous, there are more to look out for. Whooping cough, walking pneumonia, and even bird flu deserve some extra attention this season.
Whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial infection and it has risen six times more than last year, according to Health.com.
There is also an increase in cases of walking pneumonia, a respiratory illness caused by the Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria.
According to Health.com, “Earlier this season, in October, the U.S. was also seeing an increase in cases of walking pneumonia, a respiratory illness caused by the Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria”
The bird flu is very rare and has only recorded 66 cases of it.
According to Health.com, “There have been 66 confirmed total cases of bird flu in the U.S., and one known death associated with the H5N1 virus”
These viruses can be avoided by washing your hands, distancing yourself from ill people, eating healthy, and exercising.
NHS Nurse Ashley Crowley has seen an increase in norovirus and head colds around the NHS.
“There is a rise in norovirus and lots of head colds. Like running noses and sore throats,” she said.
Crowley does have many tips to stay healthy and safe from viruses.
“Make sure to always wash your hands and when you sneeze, cover your mouth so you don’t spread germs,” she said.
Many students have been getting sick recently.
Sophomore Muna Mpundu, has recently been sick and had to stay home because of it.
“I had to miss two days of school because my stomach hurt and overall, I wasn’t feeling good”.
Mpundu’s sickness only lasted two days but that’s not the same for others.
Sophomore Brennan Lopez had to miss three days of school because of him feeling sick.
“I missed three days of school because I was feeling so sick. It wasn’t a good feeling and I’m glad it’s over.”