A successful school is a school with great teachers and great students. As students, we are responsible for keeping our school pride high by participating in school activities, events, and fundraising. Especially in high school, where the events we could have are limitless but are limited due to a lack of student participation at Norwood High School.
Each year, fewer students at NHS participate in school events as it is considered corny or not cool. However, that results in less fun events that can further improve our high school experience. These events are more than just extracurricular activities, they are an opportunity for us to come together, build a sense of community, and make a tangible impact within our NHS community.
We look at other schools around us and see that they always seem high school spirit and pride. That’s because of their sense of community, and their student environment where they are able to contribute to an atmosphere of enthusiasm and positivity to benefit everyone, even their teachers. Increased school spirit can even lead to higher attendance rates and even better academic performance.
So let’s start making a difference and come together. Fundraisers by our student council often contribute to either money for a certain class so they are able to afford exciting and hype events, donate to local charities, or even help fellow students in our community.
Once we come together, we will see how our efforts make a difference in bettering our school, our community of Norwood, and even ourselves.